It's always baffled me that the best people think they're only deserving of what someone else deems they're allowed or should want for themselves. They shouldn’t do this or that, they should do what's expected, what other people want them to do.
Sure, some folks have the best intentions, it can come from a place of love, but nobody knows what you're capable of better than you. If you seek it, it lights you up, and you constantly find yourself thinking about it… then maybe. No. Not maybe. YOU ARE meant for it!
We’re all birthed into this world, unique.
So, why do so many of us feel the need to be alike, to be the same, to fit into a box and identify as one thing, this/or that label.
Well, it's coded into our DNA. It's the survival complex right? To survive back when we were cavemen/women, we had to fit into the tribe because to fit in meant survival.
The good news is the caveman brain core earlier code in our brains can be changed, and awareness is one part of that. I want you to know to dare to discover your essence and explore your potential. I NEED you to KNOW that you're meant for all you desire, and hopefully, I can help you uncover and align with the path of joy and have your dreams come true.
Everything in your life as of right now is nothing more than a direct manifestation of your focus and choices made up until this very moment.
Yet not all of us follow the niggle within. You know, that part of us that knows we're meant for more. There is a destiny for each of us. A path we are here to take that will lead us to everything we desire.
“We don’t experience life, we experience the life we focus on” - Tony Robbins.
It's not so easy for most to know what actions to take, but sure, If we focus on the right things and take the correct actions we will eventually have what we desire. There's a third force we’'e neglecting to address, the how. The reason why some things work for some and not for others.
The path of least resistance, playing to our strengths, our personal nature, and building upon natural talent - to truly know ourselves is what opens the doors to opportunity. To recode our brains to align with what we DO want and not on what we DON'T want.
~ Because our past need not be our future, we can choose something else, something more, and we can have what we want.
A Map to EVERYTHING You Desire.
Many paths can help us unlock our dreams and live our best lives, but first, I’d like to share a map that can help us to answer all of life's questions. Your Life Map.
We each have a personal map that leads us to what we uniquely desire. It’s a life map that is the blueprint for our lives. Our life map is gifted to us by the stars at the very moment we draw our first breath here on Earth.
Some think that astrology, our life map, or as most in the Astrological community call a birth chart, is all mumbo jumbo. Our distant ancestors looked to the stars for guidance, and for the longest time, life maps/birth charts were only granted access to by royalty, the elite of society.
Astrology is the language of the Universe.
It's a language that is our birthright, and like math, it transcends culture and creed and is universal. Astrology brings light to life. It is the unfolding of time, and it is time's keeper.
Each of us entered the game of Earth on a specific day, location, and time… We each began our journey of life with a map. A map that will aid us in navigating this world.
We each have our very own mission/purpose. Every one of us is 100% unique, just as no two fingerprints are the same. There is nobody like you here right now, incarnated/simulated into this experience we call Earth.
The universe has gifted each of us with what we call a life map (birth chart). A game plan for this life. Just as every character of a game/movie has an origin story and quest to fulfill a mission and a journey one must embark upon, so do you.
What is a Life Map?
Essentially, a map designed to help you navigate this strange and beautiful world we call home. It helps us make sense of life and realize our initiate talents and gifts, but it is up to each one of us to decide how or if we choose to use them.
Let the Stars Guide You!
So, it makes sense that by learning and understanding the language of the universe, we can get the answers we seek to all of our life's questions.
Our life map (birth chart) is a map to find ourselves and our destiny and build our greatest dreams… just as the stars guided our ancestors, the stars can guide you too.
Here at Ask a Little Witch, I’ll share with you the ways to decode your life map and unlock your destiny to build your dreams. We're all being divinely guided, and if you let me... I WILL help you notice the signs and synchronicities of your life.
How to use the site...
So, welcome to Ask a little witch. I hope you’ll stay a while, explore, enjoy the free resources, and if you decide to, perhaps even work with me at some point in the future.
I’ve broken this online space into three core categories or forces. I call them the power of three (or P3).
We have The power of Spirit (the invisible forces/energies).
The power of you (Personal power and how to harness it).
The power of place (because not every flower blossoms in the same garden).
If you can activate at least two out of three of these powers, you’ll manifest anything your heart desires.
To Master To Manifest Your Dreams.
The Power of Spirit is the main focus of Ask A Little Witch, as such, you can expect weekly posts to this segment. Partially due to the fact that you cannot control this energy, so understanding it, is paramount. When you have knowledge of something you can act accordingly.
We’ll discuss all things connected to the heavenly energies: Astrology, decoding your life map (birth chart), transit energies, Lunar Cycles, Spirituality, dreams, and spiritual signs interpretations.
The Power of You is about self-actualization, techniques, and tips and tricks to stay motivated and aligned with your goals. It’s the “self-help” portion of the website, tapping into the innate power that resides within you.
We’ll be covering things around identity, beliefs, your personal story, language, habits, the law of attraction, visualization techniques, and relationship tips to have full life… all to align you with your dreams and goals in life.
The Power of Place is about feng shui and magick practices, proximity is power after all. It’s about cultivating a space from where you can grow, a foundation so you can build your dreams.
We will teach you about harnessing the power of feng shui, to create the ideal environment and subliminal messaging to manifest your dreams. Learn how to activate your space, cleanse it spiritually and understand the importance of your personal directions.
So, are you ready to build your dreams and decode your destiny?
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