Welcome to the Full Moon in the Houses in Astrology.
In this post we're going to dive into what the Full Moon is. How to use it to manifest. What the Full Moon brings you this month, by looking at the Full Moon in the houses. Lastly, how to take things a step further in analysing each Full Moon cycle through the signs.
So, if you'd like to learn about where the Full Moon will be most impactful for you this month, read on.
What is the Full Moon?
It's at the time of the Full Moon that the tides of our oceans are at the highiest. So, we know the effect that the Moon has on the water here on Earth. We must also not deny that we humans, are too made of water.
The Moon in Astrology governs our internal world. It rules our emotions, and how our mind deals with those feelings. When we think of the Moon in reference to Astrology it represents our collective story. As well as, our past, and our memories, the experiences that have shaped us, up until this point.
At the time of a Full Moon it is revealing to us something we must pay attention to. A Full Moon illuminates all that has remained hidden from within us. As such, It's a time of truth and release.
Your true feelings will make themselves known as you can't keep what is inside, buried. That's why emotions tend to rise to the surface around the Full Moon, everyone's more sensitive.
Stay connected to your emotional state at this time, they're signs and gifts sent to you to help guide you to what you seek most.
The 3 Keys to Every Full Moon:
How to use the Full Moon in the Houses?
As a Witch the Full Moon has always been a powerful time. Something occurs within all of us during these times of the month. Whether you're consciously aware of it, or not. When the Moon is Full it illuminates the darkness, of all that was hidden before.
The Moon is a way to connect to our own cycles it life. It's representational of the growth and rebirth process that happens every month. The Moon grows, waxes and wanes. Therefore it's even more potent for those of us who bleed monthly. As It's a connection and reflection to that gift we are blessed to have received. Our sacred space, the womb of all creation.
The Full Moon for centuries and beyond have been used as powerful spell/ritual times. Our ancestors knew of its power, and you can tap into it as well. You need not be a Witch to harness its energy, or benefit from its power. If you want to manifest anything in your life, using the Full Moon to do so, will boost your results.
To take things a step further, if you align the Full Moon in the houses to your personal Life-Map (Birth-Chart). When manifesting specific things it can supercharge your manifestations. That said, connecting to the archetypes of each zodiac sign that the Full Moon illuminates under is still powerful to manifest your deepest desires.
Where is the Full Moon Taking place?
I've created a separate post with a complete list of the Full Moon Dates for this year, you can check that out here. On that post you'll have access to the links (for the 12 Full Moon posts). Each post goes into each Full Moon for the year. Covering the 12 signs the Full Moon falls under, and the Full Moon in the houses as it pertains to each sign.
This post we're going to dive into the overarching relevance of the Full Moon in the houses. We're looking at how you can use the Full Moon in the houses, to plan/create ritual to manifest the things you most want.
Below you'll see when, and under what Sign each Full Moon will fall under, for this year.
The Full Moon dates 2024
What's the Relevance of the Sign a Full Moon falls under?
The Sign of a Full Moon can be utilized to align with the season, it's themes, messages, and to connect deeper to the world around you. It's a way to mirror the world. To live in alignment with mother Earth.
The Sign can also be used archetypically. Let's say you want to make a big change in your life, you can utilize the Scorpio Full Moon to do that.
If you want to call in a lover perhaps a Libra Full Moon will do. To call in a soul mate I'd actually recommend learning your chart... and instead planning a ritual around a New/Full Moon that activates your Venus, 7th house or Eros.
As with all things magical, intention is everything!
Again, there are posts for each Full/New Moon in each sign linked here.
The Full Moon in the Houses of Astrology
The Full Moon in the 1st House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The first house in astrology highlights our path in life. It's our human vehicle, our main objective, image, health and represents how we initiate in life.
What is the Full Moon in the 1st House is highlighting?
The Full Moon taking place in your 1st house can be truly illuminating. You can become more self-aware, you see yourself in an entirely new light, but more than this it can aid in showing you where your heading.
The Full Moon in the 1st house can give you insight into your life's path or life direction. It's a fruitful time where you can bear results, of course, only if you have put the work in prior. If you have set yourself some goals or been working towards something, this is also going to be a time where you now start to see the result.
The Full Moon in the 1st house helps you can see yourself, your actions, and your direction much more clearly. You see exactly what's working and what's not so that you can purge the unnecessary to make way for the changes that will open you up to the new or the next thing.
An awakening or a realization is coming your way as people stop to take notice of you.
How to use the Full Moon in the 1st House...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 1st house to improve your image in some way. How do you want to be seen in the world, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to begin a major new path, project or direction in life. Look to see where your chart ruler is placed in your chart, and where the transit planet is currently located.
It's essentially a Full Moon that green lights new beginnings and self improvement.
The Full Moon in the 2nd House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Second house in astrology highlights our assets, resources, values and all we need to sustain ourselves and our life.
What is the Full Moon in the 2nd House is highlighting?
When the Full Moon takes place in your 2nd house, it brings up your feelings surrounding money, property, family, and assets. It can often be a time where you reassess your income, your assets and your budget - the ins and outgoings.
The Full Moon in the 2nd house could be a time where you purchase an item you have been saving for or wanting, be it something breaks and you have to replace it, or you have a little extra money and can splurge or merely find the thing you were looking for all along.
What I see this Full Moon bringing for you is a big shining light into your wallet/purse, what are you spending and can you budget to stretch your income a little further.
The other way this can play out is you finish paying off something; you pay off a debt or a bill. Therefore, the Full Moon in the 2nd house is illuminating matters connected to your self worth, your your spirit currently needs or desires to have in life.
How to use the Full Moon in the 2nd house...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 2nd house to call in greater abundance to your life. What do you seek more of in your life, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Another question you might ask yourself at this time is "how can I give more?", how can you be or service to others, because when we add value to others we receive it back. Caution, never give to get.
Also, you could use it to begin a side hustle, or to look at ways you could increase your income. The Full Moon in the 2nd house is wonderful to align with your values and look at how you nurture yourself, what do you put into your body and is it of service to you?
The Full Moon in the 3rd House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Third house in astrology highlights where we go, places we visit, social media, friends, local environment, skills, desires, motivation, all forms of communication and daily interactions.
What is the Full Moon in the 3rd House is highlighting?
When a Full Moon takes place in your 3rd house I usually see it play out as in a change with regards to your local environment; something is completed or improved.
The Full Moon in the 3rd house could manifest as renovations to a shopping mall or to a favorite store, restaurant, coffee house. Sometimes it presents as changes with a local park, roadworks, something else pivotal to your community. It could be that a favorite place closes down, or local news hits your radar.
The 3rd house is a communication room; it's social media, the internet, your friends, workmates and so the Full Moon in the 3rd house is alerting you to things that may have been kept hush-hush. A time where you might find that you or your social group overshare information.
It could be that you find out something about a neighbor, you get a new neighbor, workmate, or friend.
How to use the Full Moon in the 3rd house...
You might want to use this Full Moon in the 3rd house to improve upon your skill set in some way. What have you always wanted to learn, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to begin researching new areas to move to, it you've been wanting to relocate. If you want to manifest a new friend, join a group or connect with like minded souls you could set intention for this with much success.
Essentially, the Full Moon in the 3rd house green lights you to mingle and get social. If you want to launch a campaign, blog or share something it could be the perfect time to do so.
The Full Moon in the 4th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The fourth house in astrology highlights our home, family life, fixed assets (property, real estate, land), conveyances (cars), lineage and our roots.
What is the Full Moon in the 4th House is highlighting?
When the Full Moon in the 4th house happens in your family, security, and home sector, this can bring feelings out into the open. It illuminates the things that you didn't see before; it completes something to do with the home or family.
It could be that you recently moved and now you finally are unpacked and settled. It's a time where something to do with the home, family or security comes to your awareness.
Perhaps during this time, you become illuminated to the needs of your family, maybe you have been spending to much time in another area of your life, and now it's time to connect.
The 4th house is a Karmic house, it's the past, history and so we gain insight during this time about the past or something and where your heading.
How to use the Full Moon in the 4th house...
You might want to use this Full Moon in the 4th house to improve the quality of your home life in some way. How do you want to be supported, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to begin renovating your home, sprucing it up and having a good clear out. If you're in the market for a new car, or home it would be an ideal time to get looking at this time.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 4th house that green lights looking back, in order to move forward. A Full Moon that encourages burying the hatchet, mending fences and creating greater peace and harmony in your life.
The past has such a profound impact in who we are in this moment. So looking back to dig out the weeds to old stories that keep you stuck will prove to be liberating. It'll create the freedom you need to pursue what we seek to experience.
The Full Moon in the 5th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Fifth house in astrology highlights our creativity, sense of fun, romance, children, business or anything we make.
What is the Full Moon in the 5th House is highlighting?
A Full Moon happening in your 5th house can show you what you're missing in your life.
The Full Moon in the 5th house is a funhouse; it's a creation and heart-centered house. So the Full Moon in the 5th house is shining a light on what you truly desire. It's a time of emotional intensities, so anything you have been keeping buried pops on up during this time.
It can be a time where people end up breaking up, waking up with a stranger, or taking things to the next level. It brings up feelings of what matters to help you remove the other stuff. If you have been dating for a while, this Full Moon in the 5th house can solidify the connection in an intense way.
A time to reap the rewards of a creative project that you may have been working on prior. It can be a time where your child, bf/gf (non-serious) feelings come out. If your child's been keeping something from you then this is a time where you become aware of it.
Usually, it's time that calls you to have a little more fun
How to use the Full Moon in the 5th house...
You might want to use this Full Moon in the 5th house to express yourself in some way. What have you been needing to say, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to create something, a business, baby, work of art, or body of work. Looking for love? Then this Full Moon would be the perfect time to put yourself out there, spruce a online dating profile, say yes to a fun night out or go to your most favourite place.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 5th house that green lights getting into your heart space.
The Full Moon in the 6th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Sixth house in astrology highlights our lifestyle, daily routines, health needs, daily work, our service to others, subordinates and competitors.
What is the Full Moon in the 6th House is highlighting?
A Full Moon taking place in your 6th house can bring to the surface anything you have been putting off at work, or with regards to your health and well being.
It's often a time where we can now see the benefits to anything that we have been working towards, be this a work goal, a health and fitness goal, or a lifestyle habit. The Full Moon in 6th house is a perfect time to break a bad habit.
So the Full Moon in the 6th house illuminates anything that you may be unaware of, like an underlying health issue, a fault in a project, work colleagues, the working environment, or perhaps something to do with a pet.
Sometimes this can be an indicator of changes in the work that you do or the workplace itself; an employee could leave during this time.
Our true feelings come up with regards to our work and everyday life. You might be upset, or unhappy with your working conditions. As such, it can bring up a strong desire to quit your job.
It's things that you weren't aware of coming up with regards to the 6th house matters. If you have been applying for a new job, this could be a time that you get an offer.
How to use the Full Moon in the 6th house...
You might want to use this Full Moon in the 6th house to improve your daily lifestyle in some way. What habit could you introduce that would make life easier, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to apply for new job roles, get health checkups or introduce new health regime. It's the perfect time to seek out solutions to any problems you've been experiencing.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 6th house that green lights changing your processes.
The Full Moon in the 7th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Seventh house in astrology highlights our important relationships, partners, quality of relationships, commitments, courts, legal documentation, desires, contracts and promises.
What is the Full Moon in the 7th House is highlighting?
When the Full Moon takes place here, it can often bring awareness to your contractual agreements, anything you have agreed to do, signed, or other legal documents.
The Full Moon in the 7th house is all about the "other", so it can illuminate anything that you couldn't see before. If you happen to be single or dating, this is a time that you can take a relationship to the next level or initiate a connection, sign a contract, move in, take on some joint responsibility and start to make plans.
The Full Moon in the 7th house is often a time when we can all assess our relationships, and our one-to-one connections. We can look at our contracts and perhaps gain a little extra as a result. It brings the hidden into the light, and you get to see people's true feelings and intentions.
It's generally an emotionally heightened time because all that you feel about your relationships, commitments, contracts tend to bubble on up into the open.
How to use the Full Moon in the 7th house...
You might want to use this Full Moon in the 7th house to improve your relationships in some way. What could take your relationships to that next level, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to call in a soulmate, to make a declaration of what exactly you want in a long term partnership. When the Full Moon in the 7th house activates this space it's also a great time to commit to something, to sign contracts, to end them, amend them or make adjustments to contractual agreements.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 7th house that green lights relationships, partnerships or calling in significant others.
The Full Moon in the 8th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Eighth house in astrology highlights our hidden depths, secrets, legacies, joint assets, other people's resources, loans, wills, inheritance, sexual desire, intuition, taboo subjects, truth seeking, investigations, change, alimony, and what you gain as a result of other people.
What is the Full Moon in the 8th House is highlighting?
I see the 8th house as our partners closet, it's the things we accumulate as a result of the people closest to us. The 'stuff' can be material, or it can be more psychological from the experiences we gain from them.
So when the Full Moon in the 8th house takes place, it's a time where we become aware of things that we've been carrying as a result of these people. It illuminates this area of our life, and we see just what the people closest to us have given us or not given to us.
We can gain through others sure, but we can also return the favour. By giving back, paying back, or removing things that are taking up space, stuff you don't need to hold on to any more.
It's a pretty transformative and surprising placement. So usually the things we find or come across can be out of the blue. The Full Moon in the 8th house can be a time of an unexpected expense, again linked to someone else in some way. It can be the perfect time to clear out your storage space. Remove the things you no longer need that are taking up space.
You can come across things that have been kept from you. During the Full Moon in the 8th house you can lose a client or a source of income. For example, you can complete a payment, pay off debt or have an expense because of a partner, roommate, BFF, or someone else close to you.
The Full Moon in the 8th house could also be the baby maker placement, pregnancy indicator anyone?
How to use the Full Moon in the 8th house...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 8th house to improve your life in some way. What change can you make that would have a domino affect on your success/goals, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to claim back what's rightfully yours, and give back or repay what's not. The Full Moon in the 8th house can bring massive results and breakthroughs in your life. As such, this could be a time to schedule a therapy session, obtaining a financial or investment advisor could all prove to bring greta results during this time.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 8th house that green lights change and transformation. Truth is what it calls for.
The Full Moon in the 9th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Ninth house in astrology highlights our spirituality, beliefs, aspirations, solutions to problems, education, big vision, life experience, pilgrimages, travel, culture, philosophy, Law, charity, virtue, morals, religion, teachers/gurus, wisdom, and long journeys.
What is the Full Moon in the 9th House is highlighting?
The Full Moon in the 9th house in this area of your life can aid in redirecting your goals and ambitions for your future.
The Full Moon in the 9th house illuminates all you couldn't see before. You might be feeling uncertain about the direction your life has taken, wondering if it's going to pay off or if you will reach your goals.
It's during the Full Moon in the 9th house that you catch a glimpse of your future, what is being offered to you and how to align with the most success. The 9th house governs our ambitions in life, our beliefs, experiences, and the future it's a very spiritual area.
When the Full Moon in the 9th house takes place it's as if that path to what we want becomes a little clearer, it opens us up to manifesting something, a perspective shift, our dreams can become more focused.
The Full Moon in the 9th house shows you the way, the future is this unknown space but the Full Moon lights it up.
How to use the Full Moon in the 9th house...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 9th house to reach a milestone or aspiration in some way. What is your biggest aspiration right now, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to seek out a mentor, teacher or guru that can help you achieve your goals. In other ways the Full Moon might encourage a journey or experience that will unleash a dream.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 9th house that green lights aligning to your highest mission in life.
The Full Moon in the 10th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Tenth house in astrology highlights our career, public persona/how you're seen, achievements, profession, life purpose, status, our contribution to society, authority figures, what occupies your time/what you do, reputation, industry, your legacy, and success.
What is the Full Moon in the 10th House is highlighting?
The Full Moon in the 10th house can bring you public recognition, you might find that you're a little more popular on your social media feeds, people at work want to spend time with you, bosses and people in authority are noticing you more - be it for good or bad (if you're slacking off).
During a hard transit (meaning difficult aspects to your natal placements) this Full Moon in the 10th house can bring an end to a work project or a career.
On a more personal level, your true feelings can come out, surrounding your life path and career direction.
It's the Full Moon in the 10th house that can illuminate you to what you should be doing with your life, are you happy in your current role?
Be on the lookout for new work opportunities.
How to use the Full Moon in the 10th house...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 10th house to improve your career in some way. How do you want to be seen in the world, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to apply for a higher position, go for a promotion or launch a new product/service in your business. The Full Moon in the 10th house is wonderful for looking at ways you can contribute to society and add to the legacy you'll leave.
Are you happy in your vocation/career? If not, use this Full Moon to gain guidance on your best next steps or new avenues and opportunities.
It's essentially the Full Moon in 10th house that green lights all things career, legacy and your status in the world. So, how can you uplevel?
The Full Moon in the 11th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Eleventh house in astrology highlights our associations, friendship circles, networks, groups we belong to, our hopes, our wishes, our peers, benefactors, the result of what you do, community, profits, supplemental income (bonuses, commission etc) and your audience.
What is the Full Moon in the 11th House is highlighting?
The Full Moon in the 11th house is like a harvest; It brings excellent results, gains, and opportunities your way. A time where you can fine-tune your goals to reap the most from them.
During a hard transit (meaning difficult aspects to your natal placements) the Full Moon in 11th house can bring an end to a friendship, network or group that you associate with prior.
Usually, the Full Moon in the 11th house will bring truths out, and you see the people you surround yourself with more clarity. Emotions become heightened during this time which can be why there can be arguments and disagreements with friendships, circles or networks that you run with prior.
Remember the Full Moon in the 11th house illuminates you to all that is hidden, unknown to you or reflects a past situation.
How to use the Full Moon in the 11th House...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 11th house to improve your social life in some way. What kinds of people would you like to connect with, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to gain rewards for past accomplishments. The Full Moon in the 11th house is one of wish fulfilment which usually comes through others. So it's the time to plan a fun event, be social and connect with your tribe - or seek one out.
It's essentially the Full Moon in 11th house that green lights social activity, friendship and connection.
The Full Moon in the 12th House?
We must remember the Full Moon in the houses will offer us guidance, insights and the best next steps. Thus helping us to reach our desired outcome. We're not wishing upon a star, instead we must take action to meet the universe halfway.
The Twelfth house in astrology highlights our subconscious mind, dreams, relaxation, memory, connection to the divine, self realization, expenses, sleep, bedroom, release, hospitals, travel, meditation, imagination, healing, sickness (invisible symptoms), mental health, spiritual places, and seclusion.
What is the Full Moon in the 12th House is highlighting?
When the Full Moon in the 12th house takes place, it alerts you to the many things you have put on hold throughout the past year, and it enables you to clear through and take the right action.
It can often bring things that were kept from you out into the open. The 12th house is the area of our subconscious mind. It's our past, our memories, patterns, beliefs making the Full Moon in the 12th house the perfect time to do therapy, to awaken to things that hold you back.
I notice that dreams can be very vivid and lifelike during the Full Moon in the 11th house, as your higher self and subconscious speaks to you. It's certainly a time where the past comes back up for you to revisit, fears, worries, and things you have pushed down come up and out into the open.
How to use the Full Moon in the 12th House...
You might want to use the Full Moon in the 12th house to improve your spiritual practice in some way. How can you connect better with yourself, and what steps can you take to make this happen?
Also, you could use it to do some personal development stuff. If that's not your jam then taking time out to retreat, recoup and restore your energy might be a great use of the Full Moon in the 12th house energy.
It's essentially the Full Moon in the 12th house that green lights time away from the hustle bustle to clear, relax and restore yourself.